About Stanozolol
Stanozolol was not created for use as an anabolic steroid. Its original purpose was for treating animals and humans for other conditions. These conditions include anemia and weakened red blood cell production. It has also seen some success in treating those with muscle wasting conditions, such as AIDS.
Banned Substance
Because it increases muscle mass and has been classified as an anabolic steroid, stanozolol is banned from almost every athletic organization in the country. This includes the Olympics, the NFL and other athletic organizations that do drug testing.
Stanozolol is often used as part of a "stack" of anabolic steroids in the bodybuilding community. This is because--by itself--stanozolol is not nearly as powerful a muscle builder as other anabolics, such as testosterone or trenbolene. However, it is used to bring out vascularity (protruding veins) and it does not convert to estrogen in the body.
Though the jury is out scientifically on whether stanozolol has any fat burning properties, it is often used for this reason by athletes and bodybuilders. It is difficult to drop weight while maintaining muscle mass, and all steroids tend to help preserve this muscle when the athlete puts themselves in calorie deprivation.
Stanozolol comes in either pill or injectable liquid form (though many athletes choose to drink the injectable form, since it is not attached to an ester). The pills usually come in 5 mg doses, while the injectables are 50 mg per milliliter. The most common dosing for bodybuilders or others using the drug as an anabolic steroid is 50 mg per day.