What Does Noni Juice Heal?
The juice costs nearly $4 for 4 ounces, and there are widely held beliefs that it can cure just about any kind of disease, including cancer. The Noni juice industry is big, highly profitable business.
A letter from the FDA (linked in Resources) informed manufacturers of Noni juice that they had to quit making the health benefit claims that were as yet unsubstantiated.
Mona Harrison, M.D.
Mona Harrison, M.D., of the Consumer Health Organization of Canada says her patients have been helped with everything from female problems to pancreas issues.
Scott Gerson, M.D.
Scott Gerson, M.D., has also provided medical findings that Noni juice cured temporary skin maladies and helped with energy levels as well as many other conditions.
Lowers Cholesterol
Mian-Ying Wang, M.D., performed a small study of only 106 patients in 2006. She reported findings that all of these participants experienced lowered cholesterol after a month of drinking Noni juice every single day.
She herself believes in Noni juice because she experienced a reduction of pain after drinking it after her wrist was fractured. This is what interested her in performing this research.
Liver Damage
Because of its anthraquinone content, Noni juice may cause liver damage.