How to Study Guides for Nursing Students
Things You'll Need
- Planner Notebooks Pens Pencils Highlighters
Be organized. Studying is much easier when you have all of your materials in one place and when you have a clear outline of when assignments are due and exams will be held. Keep a planner that has all your deadlines listed, any materials you might need and any special tools that could make your study process easier.
Take notes both while listening in class and while studying on your own. Your notes will serve to reinforce concepts in your mind. If writing out notes isn't easy for you, try using a small digital recorder so that you can play back your notes while studying. You can either record your own notes or make a recording during your lectures. Make sure you ask your instructor for permission before recording a class--not all instructors allow students to do this.
Use your textbooks. There's no reason to spend hundreds of dollars on books you will never crack open. You paid for them; now use them. Outline your chapters and make notes on any points that aren't crystal clear. Once you've made your initial outline you can use other resources, such as the internet, to find the answers to points that are still unclear. If all else fails, ask your instructor for additional help.
Keep your study groups small. Groups of more than three or four people tend to be less productive than the smaller gatherings. Work together by dividing the workload evenly, making notes and creating questions to distribute to other members of your group. You'll not only reinforce your own section, but the questions you create as a group will serve as an excellent practice test.
Never cram the night before a test. You won't remember what you studied and you'll walk into your exam room feeling exhausted and unable to focus. Go to bed at your regular time and, if necessary, get up early for an extra hour or so of review time. Avoid caffeine the morning of your exam as well. A caffeine crash or craving during your exam will only serve as a distraction.
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