How to Avoid Dogs While Cycling
When planning your cycling route, make every effort to avoid houses or businesses that have dogs. Talk with other cyclists who are familiar with the area. Or drive around in your car and scope out the route. There's no guarantee you can avoid dogs completely, but you can lessen your chances of coming across one by planning ahead.
As you are cycling, scan the road ahead for dogs in the distance. Take a a detour, if necessary. Or try cycling on the opposite side of the road to avoid a dog -- if it's safe and traffic's light.
Do your best to keep riding if a dog crosses your path. Avoid stopping at all costs. Even if the dog appears to be friendly. The more vulnerable and fearful you appear, the more aggressive the dog may be. Don't look at the dog. Just keep moving and, if possible, speed up.
As a last resort, grab your bike pump or water bottle and pretend that it's a weapon. If you don't have a bike pump or water bottle, search for a big stick on the ground or a newspaper. If an aggressive dog gives chase, it will most likely back down if you appear to be "armed."