Ways That Fungi Can Be Dangerous to Humans
Poisonous Mushrooms
The mushrooms that you purchase at the grocery store are safe to eat, but not all mushrooms are edible. Some are poisonous and can put your health at risk. The most dangerous types of fungi include amanita mushrooms. Amanitas are parasol-shaped mushrooms that have white gills. This type of mushroom contains the poison amanitin, considered one of the deadliest poisons in the natural world. One cap of these poisonous fungi can kill a grown man. Amanitas account for roughly 90 percent of all mushroom-related deaths in the United States.
Lung Infections
Even if you don't ingest poisonous fungi, you can still get sick from inhaling dangerous fungi into your lungs. The microscopic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is one of these dangerous fungi. For healthy people, you may not develop any symptoms. However, if you have a compromised immune system due to chemotherapy treatments, AIDS or a new organ transplant, then Cryptococcus can make you experience fever, persistent coughing, shortness of breath and chest pains. From your lungs, the fungus can spread into your central nervous system. A related fungi species, Cryptococcus gatti, can cause health problems: more than 40 people died in 2010 from this fungus disease.
Mold is a type of fungus that you can find everywhere all year. Mold typically grows where high humidity, dampness or water damage is present. Molds release millions of tiny spores into the air, and they can also produce mycotoxins. Both spores and mycotoxins can have negative effects on human health. Health problems related to mold exposure include asthma attacks, serious allergic reactions and permanent lung damage.
Fungi Imperfecti
A class of fungi exists called Deuteromycetes that comprises Fungi Imperfecti -- literally, "imperfect fungi," so named because they have no sexual reproduction. Some of the species of fungi belonging to the Fungi Imperfecti group are parasitic and cause fungal diseases that affect humans. Although fungal diseases aren't dangerous, such diseases are uncomfortable. Fungi Imperfecti can cause ringworm, athlete's foot and yeast infections. This class of fungi can also cause a serious infection called valley fever, which typically affects people in the southwestern United States. Valley fever can cause chest pain, coughing, fever, headache, joint aches and night sweats.