Effects of Ticks on Humans
Itching, Burning, Redness
Some people who are bitten by ticks develop symptoms shortly after the bite. These symptoms include redness, itching or burning. Very rarely do they feel pain, but it is possible. Some people develop an allergic reaction to the tick bite and may have a rash, swelling, shortness of breath, numbness or paralysis.
Some common diseases that ticks carry include, Lyme disease, tularemia and Colorado tick fever. Most ticks do not carry disease, but of course there's no way to tell by looking at them whether they do or not.
Symptoms of a tick-related disease may not show up immediately. Often these symptoms develop over days or weeks after the bite. Depending on the disease, the symptoms can vary. Some common symptoms include fever, nausea, weakness, swelling, confusion, joint pain, vomiting and palpitations.
When to Call the Doctor
Many symptoms of tick bites go away on their own, but sometimes you need to call your doctor. If a person who is bit by a tick becomes confused, weak, lethargic, numb or develops a rash, contact a doctor. Also, if he shows signs of paralysis or headaches he should seek medical attention. If you are pregnant or immunosuppressed, tell your doctor if you have been bitten by a tick.