General Trash-Burning Hazards
Spread of Fire
One of the first risks of trash-burning is the spread of fire. This is particularly a risk in areas with dry climates. Fire can spread quickly and consume large areas. Even when the initial fire is small, mere sparks can cause a fire to surge out of control. Some states, such as Arizona, have fire restrictions during summer months to prevent the threat of fire to homes and communities.
Burning trash has is also linked to the release of dioxins. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, dioxins are "highly toxic, long-lasting organic compounds. Dioxins are released when items containing carbon or chlorine are burned. They have been linked to several health issues, the most serious of which is cancer. Unfortunately, dioxins are spread through the food chain. They are ingested by animals due to their presence on food and in water and then spread to humans when they eat the animals.
Another trash-burning hazard involves the gases released when the fire is burning. Some of the gases are known as aldehydes and can cause major irritation. These gases make eyes water and irritate nasal passages and the throat. They are particularly threatening to those who already suffer from asthma or respiratory issues. The air also contains particulate matter that can be particularly dangerous if inhaled often.
Ash is another harmful product of burning trash. Ash contains heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, chromium and arsenic. If ash settles on vegetables in the garden or in the water supply, it can be ingested and cause health problems. Children are particularly susceptible to health issues connected with heavy metals.