If you see a host national taking pictures of the facilities on your base what do do?
1. Remain Calm:
Don't panic or overreact. Maintain a calm and professional demeanor.
2. Observe and Assess:
Take a moment to observe the individual and assess the situation. Note any suspicious behavior or if they seem to be taking photos in restricted areas.
3. Approach and Identify:
Respectfully approach the host national and introduce yourself. Request to see their identification and inquire about their purpose for taking pictures.
4. Verify and Confirm:
If the individual has proper authorization, such as media credentials or a visitor's pass, ask them to show it. Verify their identity and purpose with security personnel if necessary.
5. Explain Regulations:
Inform them about the security regulations and policies regarding photography on the base. Explain that unauthorized photography can be a breach of security or privacy.
6. Request Deletion:
If the photos were taken without authorization, politely ask the individual to delete them from their camera or device.
7. Report the Incident:
Report the incident to your security officer or supervisor immediately. Provide them with all the details you observed, including the individual's description and any relevant information.
8. Document the Encounter:
Keep a written record of the incident, including the date, time, location, and details of the conversation.
9. Stay Vigilant:
Remain alert and continue to monitor the activities around you. Be mindful of any potential security breaches and report any suspicious behavior.
Remember, handling such situations requires tact and diplomacy, especially when interacting with host nationals. Prioritize maintaining a positive relationship and understanding, while also ensuring the security of the base and its personnel.