Survival Tools for the New Millennium
Teach yourself the skills you need. Technology supplies the world's needs. Food, shelter, instant information, even quick emergency response teams are at everyone's fingertips. Many people are not equipped to survive without modern conveniences. Learning the basics of survival is the best tool a person can have. During an emergency is not the best time to try to learn how to use the tools at hand. Learn in advance what can happen and what to do in order to survive.
Data Security
Personal data is stored on home computers, business websites and government data banks. All these areas are vulnerable to cyber attacks that can allow someone to steal people's identities. Changing passwords and not giving out information are only the first protective steps. Install and maintain anti-virus software on all data-capable equipment. Install a fully encrypted firewall to protect from spyware. The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team recommends that you back up personal data to a CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or network to save your data, and also to save more important data on a CD or flash drive.
Weather Disaster Supplies
Global warming is creating more extreme weather conditions. Since 2000 there has been a steady increase in tornados, hurricanes and flooding. Being ready for a disaster is as important as buying food. Find the safest place in your home and stock it with supplies to last at least three days. Containers of water, nonperishable food, and a first aid kit with medicine are a must. Flashlights and a radio can be stored with sleeping bags and personal hygiene products.
Dirty Bomb Protection
A "dirty bomb" is a bomb that emits radioactive materials but which spreads them using conventional explosives. If anyone is affected by a dirty bomb, CNN health correspondent Elizabeth Cohen suggests clothing should be removed immediately, followed by a good body wash before going to the hospital. An N-95 face mask, rather than another type of mask, will protect the wearer from inhalation of biological and chemical explosions, which makes it a handy survival tool.