What Chemicals Will Purify Contaminated Drinking Water?
Even though iodine will purify water and make it drinkable, it is not advised for people who are allergic to shellfish, on the drug lithium or for anyone with thyroid problems. Women who are over 50 or pregnant are advised to consult their doctors before consuming iodine. Too much iodine can cause burning of the mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache and even coma. Therefore, it is important to follow iodine product instructions carefully. Water should be over 68 degrees Fahrenheit when treating it with iodine. When not in use, iodine should be stored in a dark bottle.
Iodine Instructions
Add five drops of liquid two-percent tincture of iodine to clear water. If water is cloudy, add 10 drops. Let stand for at lease 30 minutes.
Polar Pure Iodine Crystals is another well-known iodine purification product. Carefully follow manufacturer's instructions on purifying water with this product. Do not ingest crystals or put them directly into water that is to be purified. The crystals are poisonous and can burn tissue and eyes.
Potable Aqua is an iodine tablet used for water purification. Follow manufacturer's instructions on pills per quarts of water to be purified.
Chlorine is effective in purifying water, but it can leave an aftertaste and is not as effective as iodine. There is also a small cancer risk in the residue left by chlorinated water. Another form of chlorine is household bleach. As long as it contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite and is unscented and free of added cleaners or other agents, liquid bleach is a relatively safe water purifier. A tablet form of chlorine is Halazone.
Chlorine Instructions
Let particles in water settle. Then filter particles through layers of cloth or coffee filters until water is clear. Use two drops of Regular Clorox Bleach or its equivalent per quart of water. Bleach is not toxic if the bleach-to-water ratio is correct. Wait for 30 minutes and then sniff the water. If it doesn't have a slight bleach odor, repeat the dose and wait 15 minutes more. Tape the eyedropper to the bleach container when not in use. When using liquid, tablet or powdered chlorine, follow manufacturer's instructions carefully.
Purification Tips
If the water contains large particles, it should be strained through a cloth. Water purification tablets have an expiration date. Once the bottle is opened, mark the date on the bottle. Keep no longer than is indicated in the product instructions. It's always better to start with a new bottle of pills and remove all doubt. When using a water purification product, always read all of the manuacturer's instructions and warnings.
Purified water tastes better if it has been poured back and forth between two containers after it has been treated. You can also add lemonade mix, a pinch of salt or other seasonings to the water to make it taste better. For iodized water, a vitamin C tablet added to purified water will give it an orange flavor.
Boiling and Storage
Water that is brought to a rolling boil for one minute will kill all of its bacteria and parasites. Store it in a clean container, and it will last up to six months. After six months, dispose of the water because it can no longer be guaranteed to remain bacteria free. Do not store water in empty plastic milk containers. Proteins from the milk seep into the plastic and will eventually seep back into the purified water. Never use containers for water storage that were previously used for toxic chemicals.