How to Use a White Cane
Things You'll Need
- White cane
- Mobility skills teacher
Find a teacher who has experience in instructing people to use white canes. An independent living center may have such a teacher on staff.
Following the teacher's instructions, hold the cane at waist level. Wrap your hand around the handle. Your index finger should lie along the cane shaft and point toward the tip of the cane, which should rest on the ground.
Sweep the white cane from side to side on the ground in front of you. Be aware of any obstacles ahead before taking your next step.
If the cane hits an object or a hole ahead of you, change your direction to avoid the obstacle.
A white cane acts as a signal to others that the person using it is visually impaired. As you develop your skills, the sound of the cane alone can provide sensory information about where you are and what kind of terrain you must negotiate.