How to Scare Coyotes
Things You'll Need
- Rocks
- Soda can
- Pebbles
- Strobe lights
- Water hose
- Cooking pan
- Wooden spoon
Exaggerate your gestures when approached by a coyote. Make loud noises and throw objects such as rocks near the coyote to scare it away. Maintain eye contact with the coyote.
Fill a soda can with pebbles or pennies and shake the can vigorously in the direction of the coyote.
Install a motion-detecting, strobe light system around the perimeter of your home. Strobe alarm systems flash lights and emit high-pitched sounds that ward off coyotes.
Spraying water from a hose will scare away coyotes. Spray a coyote with your water hose if you see one near you. Alternatively, you can bang on a pan with a spoon.