How to Remove a Tick From Your Arm
Things You'll Need
- Sharp-tipped Tweezers
- Credit Card
- Tissue
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Cotton Ball
- Antibacterial Soap
Grab a pair of sharp-tipped to remove the tick with. Do not use blunt tweezers or you may squeeze the tick's abdomen and inject more bacteria into the bite site.
Slide your credit card under the tick and use the tweezers to grasp as close to the tick's mouth as possible. Pull firmly and slowly until the tick releases from the skin. Release the tick from your tweezers, grab it with a tissue and dispose of it.
Obtain rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. Use the cotton ball to absorb the rubbing alcohol and rub the bite site in order to disinfect it. Wash your hands after with antibacterial soap.