Dangers of Laser Pointers
In Public Settings
When a laser pointer is used responsibly in a classroom for instruction or in an office setting for presentations there is a reduced chance for misuse. Unfortunately, there are many public instances where laser pointers have been aimed at airplanes, cars, buses and other vehicles, which created unsafe driving for drivers or for innocent bystanders. There are also reported instances where audience members at concerts or in theaters have considered it humorous, to recklessly aim the laser pointer at on stage performers or other audience members. This is both unsafe as well as representing a real eye hazard for the victims of this assaultive behavior, according to Laser Pointer Safety.
Misuse as a Toy
Laser pointers are not toys. Yet, older children and many teenagers will sometimes engage in ill-advised behavior, like popping balloons, burning holes in paper or engaging in imaginary laser sword fights. This type of playful, yet irresponsible, behavior can cause permanent damage to a child or teenager's eyesight. According to Medical Journal, a teenager purchased a laser pointer on the Internet and stood in front of a mirror and directed the beam at it. The laser beam made contact with his eyes and immediately blurred his vision. Two weeks later, after undergoing ophthalmic tests, his eyesight had deteriorated such that he was not able to count fingers on a hand at a distance beyond 3 feet, according to Medical Journal.
Severity of Beam Power
Laser pointers have several milliwatt beam power measurements. Therefore, the strength of the laser pointer beam, how it is being used and the distance the beam travels to make eye contact, will determine the severity of a retinal injury. The beam strength can range from 1 to above 50 mW. Never stare into a laser pointer beam because even a 1 mW beam can create a spot on the eye retina. The eye's natural blink reflex can ordinarily protect a person from potential temporary harm from a 5 mW beam. A laser pointer with a beam strength of approximately 500 mW (1/2 W) will cause eye damage, according to Laser Pointer Safety.
Undertake Safety Measures
Safety measures should be undertaken to prevent accidental injury when using laser pointers. The FDA has developed a set of standards that should be adhered to when using laser pointers, such as not buying children laser pointers or allowing children to use them. Make certain that the laser pointer has the output power clearly printed on the warning label on the pointer. Do not shine a laser pointer at mirrors or other reflective surfaces. Do not select a laser pointer over 5mW because possession of it is illegal and dangerous. In the case of an accidental eye injury contact an eye doctor immediately.