What Are the Difficulties Faced by the Visually Impaired?
Although there are now many books available in Braille, more than 90 percent of the population that is classified as legally blind cannot read Braille. The advances in technology, such as audio books and voice recognition software have lessened the necessity of learning to read Braille if an individual wishes to experience works of media.
While the use of technology has decreased some of the difficulties of the visually impaired, it has led to other difficulties in itself. Without the capacity to use Braille, blind people are in effect illiterate. According to a report by the National Federation of the Blind, people who know Braillle have a much greater chance of getting good jobs, earning an advanced degree and living independently.
For many people who are visually impaired, just getting around is a difficult task. Because they cannot drive, they have to rely on public transportation to get around. This causes a problem in that they are limited in the places in which they can live. A blind person may need to live within walking distance of a bus route or other modes of public transport, and this limits the number of neighborhoods in which they can live.
Internet Use
The Internet has opened up many doors for the visually impaired. With the use of computers, you can now read many of the things people with sight read via audio cues, without waiting for the print to be translated into Braille. However, because there are no standardized features for web pages, persons with visual impairment may have difficulty locating the information they are looking for.