How To Report a Streetlight Problem
Electric Company
Visit the electric company's website and look for the button labeled "Streetlight Form" or "Report Streetlight Outage." Click the button.
Select the type of problem you are experiencing with the streetlight. A few common problems are the streetlight's not coming on at night, its staying on during the day and the light's flickering. If the problem is not listed, type it into the empty box labeled "Other."
Type the remaining necessary information into the form. Most forms ask for the nearest address to the problem streetlight, including the city and state, and your contact information: name, address, email address and phone number. Press "Send" or "Next" to submit your information.
Visit your city's website and click on the link for the street department. Often you will be redirected to another page with the department's phone number and duties within the community.
Find the department's phone number and read the department's duties to ensure it is responsible for maintaining streetlights.
Call the department and report the problem with the streetlight. You will need to include the nearest address to the streetlight with a problem. If the street department is unable to assist you, it should be able to redirect you to the proper department.