How to Empty a Grill Gas Tank
Things You'll Need
- Propane tank
- Clear area with stable surface
- Gloves
Close the tank valve to "Closed" and disconnect the tank from the gas grill.
Remove the gas grill tank from the grill and take it to a clear area away from fires and electrical devices. The tank should be at least 10 feet from the nearest structure or vehicle. Make sure the surface where the tank will be emptied is flat and clear of leaves and other debris.
Set the tank upright and point the nozzle away from your body.
Put on the gloves to protect your hands from coming into contact with the propane gas. Propane is extremely cold and can cause a serious injury to the skin.
Turn the valve on the tank to "Open." Do this slowly. You may hear a slight hissing noise, which is the sound the gas makes as it evaporates into the atmosphere. Open the valve completely.
Turn the tank upside down when the hissing stops. Place the tank on the ground with the nozzle pointed away from your body. If the tank is near empty, the hissing sound should stop within a few seconds.
Wait for the tank to empty. The remaining propane in the tank may cause the nozzle to make a hissing sound when the tank is inverted.
Turn the tank upright and close the valve when the tank is empty. The tank should be empty of almost all of the fuel within a few minutes after inverting the tank.