Instructions on Using a Cane for Walking
How to Walk on Flat Surfaces
Hold the cane in the hand opposite the injured side of your body and keep your elbow slightly bent. Place the tip or end of your cane on the floor, outside of your uninjured foot, next to the toes.
Step forward with your injured leg and move the cane at the same time. Keep the cane close to your body to provide support and balance once you place the tip down on the floor. Ensure that the tip of your cane lands directly across from the instep on your injured foot, according to New York University Langone Medical Center. Do not try to place the cane too far ahead, or it will affect your balance.
Step forward with your uninjured leg, allowing your weight to fall on the support of the cane. Check to make sure the tip or end of the cane is planted firmly on the ground before continuing.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue walking forward. When turning, take small steps, do not pivot with the help of the cane because you may fall.
Walking Up and Down Stairs
Hold the cane in the hand opposite the injured side of your body. Grasp the handrail with the other hand and step up on your good leg. Leave enough room on the step to place your other foot. If there is no handrail, do not attempt to climb the stairs. Find an alternate route such as an elevator.
Step up onto the ascending step with your injured leg while grasping the handrail firmly. Place your foot next to the other on the stair. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue walking up the stairs.
Hold the cane in your hand on the side of your body opposite to your injury. Grasp the handrail firmly with your other hand. Do not descend stairs with no handrail due to the possibility of a fall.
Place the end of the cane firmly on the step below you and step down with the foot on the injured side of your body. Ensure that the end of the cane is firmly planted on the step's surface before continuing.
Step down onto the step with your other foot. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to continue descending the stairs.