LED Sign Safety
The term LED is an acronym for light emitting diodes, and according to the New York Times, this type of lighting has quickly gained popularity with environmentalists. This is due, in part, to the fact that these lights use less energy, and do not require as much maintenance as traditional lighting.
LEDs and Traffic Signs
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, embedded LEDs in signage improve the safety of those traveling through intersections by increasing the driver's awareness of traffic signals. A study conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute in 2004 concluded that the use of such lights, in association with stop signs, significantly reduced the number of motor vehicles performing an incomplete stop.
Other Considerations
According to the Dayton Daily News, as of June 2010, a study completed at the University of Dayton has posed serious skepticism as to the safety of LEDs, and their use in traffic signs. It states the results of the study, conducted between 1999 and 2007, showed an increase in accidents after the transition from traditional lighting to LEDs took place.