Lighting Safety Procedures
Staying aware of the weather conditions in your area is the easiest way to stay prepared for a lightning strike. Whenever possible, you want to be indoors when lightning approaches, which is why preparation is key. Look for clouds shaped somewhat like cauliflower, dark skies and rumbling thunder in the distance. suggests not waiting until you're in the middle of a storm to find shelter. Instead, look for shelter at the first sign of a storm. Even if the storm doesn't come, it's better to be safe than sorry.
The best buildings to be in when thunderstorms strike are large, enclosed buildings. Close all doors and windows and lock them. Avoid taking a shower, bath or using any water during the storm. If you are in a car, pull over to safety and wait it out with the windows up. You'll also want to avoid using corded telephones unless it's an emergency. Lightning hitting the telephone line could reach you. It's safe to use cellular and cordless phones.
If You're Stuck Outside
If you're unable to safely reach adequate shelter or a car try to get to an open area away from trees, metal, large objects or tall grass. If you're in the woods, look for the shortest trees in the area and get near them. Pay attention to your skin and hair. If your begins to stand up and your skin tingles, lightning may be about to strike. Crouch down and keep your feet as close to each other as you can. You want to get as low as possible with as little of you actually touching the ground as you can. Whatever you do, refrain from laying down.
Protecting Electronics
Due to the high voltages lightning can deliver, it can cause serious damage to your electronic devices. While the safety of you and your family should be first priority, once everybody is safe you should turn off your electronics. If the storm is serious, don't bother with the electronics but instead stay away from them. In strong storms, keeping your distance from electronics helps prevent the chance of electricity transferring from the device to you.
In Case of a Strike
If somebody has been struck by lightning the first priority is to get medical attention. Call 911 as soon as possible. Anybody who is unconscious or appears not to be breathing or have a pulse should be top priority. If you know how to give CPR, do so. People who have been electrocuted are safe to touch, they cannot electrocute you.