How to Use Walking Canes to Prevent Falling on Ice
Things You'll Need
- Wide-tipped walking cane
- Ice pick or grip attachment
Map out a strategy for walking during winter weather. Include extra time to get where you need to go. Budget for stops and rest breaks. Take it slow and easy.
Equip your cane with a wide, snug-fitting tip for walking in winter weather. Ensure that your tip is not worn. Use a grip attachment called an icepick that can flip down from your cane tip and provide extra traction. The cane tip digs into the surface to prevent it from getting out from under you.
Walk with your cane on the opposite side of your weakness. Place your cane firmly and securely a comfortable distance ahead of you with the grips into the ice prior to taking a step. Place all of your weight on your good side, then step with both your affected leg and the cane simultaneously.