How to Kill Honey Bees
Things You'll Need
- Bee killer spray
- Bee Suit
- Borax powder
Spray singular bees, or even swarming bees with a commercial bee, wasp and hornet killer spray, while wearing the bee suit. Never spray a hive entrance, as this will anger, rather than kill, the bees inside and make them aggressive, Moreover, if the hive is attached to a house, chances are you will have a lot of bees in the house afterward.
Put on the bee suit, and get close to the entrance of the hive. Sprinkle borax powder around the entrance of the hive, so that any bee coming or going from the hive will come in contact with the powder. The borax is a slow but sure method of exterminating a hive, especially good for those built into sidings or eaves.
Wait two or three days, periodically checking the hive activity. The bees entering the hive will take the borax dust inside with them, eventually poisoning the whole hive. Clean all the remnants of the hive out once all the bees are dead.