Safety & Security Rules for Hotels
Personal Safety
An out of date room key. Personal safety should be a key concern for hotels and there are many things to consider. Card key locks are essential for hotels. The card key is assigned to a room from check in and automatically expires at a specific time, regardless of check-out. Smoke and carbon dioxide detectors, fire extinguishers, emergency telephones and emergency exits are all very important in ensuring the safety of guests. The hotel staff should be equipped with evacuation plans, first aid kits and breathing assistance, such as a respirator, in case of an emergency.
Pool and Spa Regulations
A beautiful outdoor pool. Pools and spas should have lifeguards, however most do not. Hotels with pools should enforce pool hours and hotel staff should be trained in CPR and first aid. Hotel guests should be the only ones with access to the pool and spa facilities. Entrance to the facilities should require activated room card keys.
Security Staff
Security cameras should be used in hotels. Trained security staff need to be on the hotel grounds 24 hours a day. However if this is not feasible, security staff and guards should be on duty at night when most crime happens. Security cameras are also essential and need to be placed at the front desk, public areas of the hotel, such as the cafeterias, pools, parking lots and waiting rooms. Security cameras should be in use 24 hours a day, be reviewed daily, and archived.