How to survive a lightning storm
Be aware of current weather conditions and what the forecast is. Thunderstorms can develop quickly and create the perfect conditions for lightning, so it's important to have a survival plan if a lightning storm hits.
Seek shelter immediately if you are outdoors and thunderstorms are in the area. According to the NWS, lighting can strike as far as 10 miles from rain. If you can get to a building, find one that is enclosed, or one that has walls, a ceiling and a floor. Open garages, garden sheds, tents and picnic shelters are not considered safe during a lightning storm.
Get inside a vehicle if there are no safe shelters nearby. Make sure the vehicle is completely enclosed, and do not use electronic equipment while inside.
Avoid open fields and elevated places, such as hilltops, if there are no safe buildings or vehicles nearby. Stay away from trees, especially free-standing ones. If trees can't be avoided, get near the lowest ones possible. Steer clear of water and metal, both of which conduct electricity.
Avoid using the phone and all electrical appliances once you are inside. According to the NSW, indoor injuries from lightning occur most often when people are using the phone during thunderstorms. Stay away from windows. If lightning strikes a house, it can jump through windows. Although the basement is a safe location during lightning storms, avoid walls and floors that may contain wires or wire mesh.