Humane Ways to Get Rid of Bats
Bats Inside
If a bat has somehow gotten inside your house, garage or attic, there are a few ways to safely remove the animal. If the bat is in your attic, you'll have to perform an exclusion. You probably have a small hole in your wall or roof that the bats are able to enter and exit from the outside. Set up a bat house near the hole, until the bats begin to roost there instead. When all of the bats have left your attic, seal up the hole.
If a bat has somehow flown into your living space, don't panic. It wants out as badly as you want it to. So turn all of the lights off, isolate the area that the bat is in by closing all doors, and open one window. A bat will naturally be able to find this opening to the outside.
Bats Outside
If bats are roosting outside above the porch, use dog or cat repellent to spray at the area you know they are roosting. Don't spray directly at the bats, because this will upset them and they might even attack you. When they are out feeding at night, spray their area with repellent so they don't want to come back. If that doesn't work, put up some insulation in their roosting area. They won't come around insulation because it irritates their skin.
Bat Houses
It is understandable if you do not want bats in your house or garage, but having a bat in your proximity is great for keeping away mosquitoes and garden pests (the bats eat them at night). A bat house is a thin box of slotted space designed especially for the winged mammal. Purchase a bat house by following the Bat House reference link below. When installing a bat house, make sure to keep it raised at least 10 feet high.