What Are the Warnings for a Flash Flood?
Storm Clouds and Thunder
Flash flooding can occur as a result of a slow-moving storm or several storms combining in the same general area. If clouds are looking especially dark or if they are turning a sort of orange color, this could mean that a heavy dose of rain and wind are on the way. If there is a great deal more thunder than you usually experience in your area, it could mean that a flash-flood-producing storm is brewing.
Heavy Rain
Heavy rain does not necessarily always lead to a flash flood, but there are several factors that can contribute to flash flooding. If there has been a great deal of rain in the previous few days and the ground is still saturated with water, heavy rain may indicate an impending flood. If you are aware you live in an area prone to flooding, assume that heavy rain could lead to a flood.
Rising Water Levels
If you are on the road or at the home and you notice water levels rising on the ground or by your windows, this is a sign that a flash flood is in the midst of occurring. If you are driving and notice a large puddle, you must turn around and not try to drive through the water. The water during a flash flood is often deeper than it occurs, and even two feet of water can send your car floating. You must head for higher ground as soon as you notice rising water levels.
Debris or Muddy Water
If you notice that water is muddy or is topped by floating debris, this may mean that a flash flood is occurring. Cloudy water may be an indication that water has broken free of a dam and is traveling on ground it is usually blocked from. Similarly, debris is an indication of not only water where it shouldn't be but water fast enough to start moving heavier items. Find higher ground immediately as it's possible the flash flooding will get worse as it progresses.
Weather Advisories
There are several different codes that the National Weather Service releases about flash floods, and it's important to know the differences. A flash flood watch means that a flash flood could occur while a flash flood warning means that a flash flood is actually about to occur or already occurring in your area. A flash flood emergency means that the flash flood is in your area and that it is getting to be a dangerous situation. If you have a warning or an emergency in your area, proceed with caution to higher ground.