Anti-Litter Poster Ideas
Litter Collage
One way to make a statement is to collect litter from the area around which the poster will hang, and to use it to make a collage poster. For example, if you want to hang up an anti-litter poster near a park, pick up as many pieces of litter from the park as you can, and then glue them to a piece of wood or poster board in an artistic manner. Top the poster with your message, which may be something like "Do you want the park to be covered in grass, or in trash? Throw your litter in a garbage can, not on the ground." Then note on the poster that the litter on the sign was collected from the surrounding area. You may want to print this line in smaller letters.
Don't Hurt the Animals
Often, people need a compelling reason to stop littering, a reason that is more concrete and immediate than the impact that all of the pieces of litter will have on the planet. To give them that reason, you can make your poster address the fact that litter can hurt all kinds of animals unintentionally. Go to a local animal shelter to see if they have any animals that were harmed by litter, and take a picture of the animal. Blow up the picture and add a caption explaining what happened. At the bottom of the picture, include the simple message: "Don't litter."
The Earth Covered in Litter
If you have the space to put up two posters within several feet of each other, you can try to show the long-term effects of litter on the earth. To do this, draw a picture of the earth, and write "This is the earth today." On the second poster, draw the shape of the earth, but draw litter all over it so that the land and water are indistinguishable. The top of the poster should read, "This is how the earth will look if we don't stop littering," and the bottom of the poster should read, "Which earth would you rather live on?"