Why Sea Water Is Bad for Us to Drink
According to Biotopics.com.uk ,osmosis occurs in the body when less concentrated liquids in the cells flow through semi-permiable membranes in the cell wall toward more concentrated salty liquid in the blood. The salt content is balanced with fresh clear water.
Sea Water
The Salt Institute says that sea water contains 3.5% by weight of dissolved salt. Salt water contains three times more salt than the .9% our blood contains. Sea water also contains other toxins which include mercury, nitrates, phosphates, and poisons from industrial waste and oil spills.
Sea Water in the Blood
Drinking salt water greatly increases the salt content of your blood. Osmosis causes the water to flow out of the cell walls into the salt concentrated blood stream in an effort to metabolize and balance the blood. This effort causes cell dehydration.
Cell Dyhdration
Cell dehydration causes all of our muscles, including the heart muscle, to weaken and to stop working effectively. The kidneys become overwhelmed with the excess salt in the body and stops functioning.
Sea water Sickness
When you drink seawater your body becomes dehydrated. Dehydration leads to seizures, unconsciousness and brain damage as well as kidney failure which eventually leads to death.