How to Keep Birds Away from Wind Turbines

Keeping birds from being killed by wood turbines is a truly paradoxical issue. Although the need to develop renewable energy resources has become increasingly apparent, it is not desirable from an environmental standpoint to have wildlife killed in the process. Compounding the problem is that no method with a high success rate has yet been developed to keep birds away from wind turbines. Instead, a host of procedures exists that somewhat alleviates the problem but with mixed results.

Things You'll Need

  • Noisemakers
  • Loud speakers
  • Scaring devices
  • Radar
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      Remove bird nests from areas around wind turbines.

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      Use loud noisemakers to scare off birds. These include blasts from air cannons and shotguns. Play distress and siren noises on loud speakers.

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      Install items around the wind turbines to scare the birds. Examples include silhouettes of hawks, scarecrows, balloons with pictures of big eyes, flashing lights, and flares.

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      Install radar around the wood turbines. This method has proved to be most effective with bats. Bats are driven away by tiny amounts of sound generated by radar signals. Radar does not keep birds away, but can temporarily shut down wind turbines when it detects a flock of birds coming in their direction.

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      Pave all around the wind turbines to keep birds from looking for food in that area. Obviously, this is not a very environmentally friendly solution.

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      Shoot some birds with a shotgun. This is the least environmentally attractive solution of all.

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