What Are the Dangers of Wearing Flip-Flops?
Calf Stretching
Continuous walking in flat-soled footwear, such as flip-flops, may cause the calf muscle to stretch, especially if the wearer is used to walking in shoes with heels. This results in the Achilles tendon becoming strained after only two weeks.
Lack of Protection
Due to the flimsy, open-toed construction of flip-flops, they offer little protection to the wearer. Common injuries include the stubbing of toes and cuts on the feet. There is also more vulnerability to injuries like scrapes and bee stings since the skin is exposed. Also, if the wearer drops an object on the foot, there is more of a chance of injury than when wearing a shoe or a boot.
Thong Injuries
The thong between the toes causes friction and results in the wearing away of the skin over time. This makes the wearer susceptible to infections, and the area can also become irritated from perspiration and dirt. Blisters can also form that may become infected.
Heel and Arch Injuries
Wearing flip-flops puts undue stress on the heels, resulting in a condition called plantar fasciitis, where the plantar fascia, the connective tissue that supports the arch, becomes inflamed. With prolonged wearing, a stress fracture in the heels can also develop.
Lack of Support
Since flip-flops provide little support for the foot, the wearer is also susceptible to injuries like ankle sprains. These occur easily when stepping off a curb or stepping on an object like a branch or a garden hose. For children who frequently wear flip-flops, flat feet may develop due to the unsupported foot's tendency to roll inward while walking.
Skin Cancer
Since the tops of the feet are continuously exposed to the sun, prolonged wearing of flip-flops results in severe sunburn or even skin cancer. Therefore, it's important for flip-flop wearers to use sunscreen.