How to Make a Stretcher
Things You'll Need
- Blanket, sleeping bag or other large piece of sturdy fabric
- 2 branches or saplings
Find two long branches, or cut down two saplings with a length of about two feet longer than the injured person's height. Ensure that the branches or saplings are sturdy and not rotten or splintered. They must be able to support the injured person's weight.
Lay out a blanket, sleeping bag or any other large piece of sturdy fabric on the ground and place the branches on top of the material at opposite edges, parallel to each other.
Hold the blanket against the branch and roll the branch toward the opposite side of the material, causing the material to roll up onto the branch. Repeat with the other branch and leave a space of about 2 1/2 to 3 feet between both branches. Ensure that you use a large enough blanket to support the weight of the individual needing the stretcher. A small blanket may not roll up sufficiently. Roll the blanket tightly applying about six or seven full turns as you roll. This should support the weight of an average adult.
Turn the "stretcher" over and set the injured person in the center.