Safety Issues Regarding Artificial Turf
Infill Crumb Rubber
Some turf fields are made from infill crumb rubber, which is made from recycled tires. Athletes and children falling on these types of fields have a higher number of abrasions. If not properly treated, these can become easily infected.
Chemical Exposure
Tests have shown tire crumbs release chemical compounds into the air and ground water, and therefore constitute a chemical exposure for humans and the environment. Detected metals that were leached from the tire crumbs include zinc, selenium, lead and cadmium.
Another health issue relates to how the turf gets its color. Turf makers use lead to keep the artificial grass green. The company AstroTurf agreed to reduce the lead content of products sold in California after being sued by the state.
Heat Problems
The temperature near artificial turf can reach heights of 150 to 160 degrees on a hot day. This can increase the chances of heat exhaustion, burns, and dehydration. Turf still can heat up very quickly even after being cooled down with water.
Need for Answers
The controversy with AstroTurf has led to concerns about other types of artificial turf. The information on the chemicals used in recycled tires and mixed conclusions about the level of risk to individuals leaves more questions as to safety of the products. One study cited that 49 different chemicals could be released from the tire crumb in some turf, while another says that the effects of exposure are small. These variations show clearly the need for more research.
Schools, cities and other entities have many considerations to make when choosing between grass and artificial turf. The New Jersey Education Association recommends schools get cost estimates for field preparation, installation, maintenance, repair and removal over several years. Like grass, the field will need irrigation, a line painter and other staff and/or equipment for maintenance. Health concerns also are a factor in deciding the right material for the field or play area.