How to Identify a Winter Tick
Things You'll Need
- Identification guide
- Magnifier
- Tweezers
- Glass jar with sealable lid
- Rubbing alcohol
Winter Tick Blues
Winter tick larvae find their prey during the fall, feed throughout the winter and drop off in the spring to lay eggs. They are brown, are oblong oval in shape, and look like many other ticks. Using a magnifier can help you determine features and deduce whether a tick is a winter tick. Since these ticks are active in the winter and most other ticks are not, identification can be based on seasonal occurrence.
Because of the lack of threat to humans, it's not as easy to find identification guides for winter ticks as for others, but you can find images on some online resources (e.g., As with any tick, take care in handling and touching. After finding and removing the tick from your animal, enclose it in tape and toss it into the trash or kill it in a jar of rubbing alcohol, and wash your hands thoroughly.
Another way to identify a tick is to take it to an entomologist or other professional. The best way to remove a tick is to tweeze it off, making sure to not leave the head embedded in the animal's skin, and place it in a sealed glass jar with rubbing alcohol.