How to Make Steel Stairs Safe in Snow
Stairs can be treacherous in winter. They're a risk to safety and a potential liability. Steel stairs can be especially slippery when they're slick with ice or wet with snow. Improving the traction and safety of steel stairs is a simple task that requires only careful application of a stair tread such as grip tape, and vigilant maintenance to make sure the snow and ice haven't created a hazard.Things You'll Need
- Hot water
- Dishwashing liquid
- Scrub brush
- Garden hose
- Towels
- Grip tape
- Fine-tip marker for non-porous surfaces
- Snow shovel
- Broom
- Ice-loosening agent
Use Grip Tape
Wash the stairs. Squirt a bit of the dishwashing liquid into the bucket and fill with hot water. Scrub each stair to remove grease and dirt.
Rinse the stairs. Use the hose to wash away soap residue.
Dry the stairs with the towel.
Center the grip tape and make sure it is straight. Make sure it is wide enough to cover the area where people will walk. You can apply one large strip or several smaller ones parallel to each other--either way is effective.
Use the marker to draw an outline around each piece of tape.
Peel off the backing and apply the tape, using the outline as your guide.
During Winter
Shovel the stairs constantly. When people walk in snow, they pack it down. The compact snow re-freezes, and becomes ice.
Brush light snow from the stairs with a broom.
Apply an ice-loosening agent before ice builds on the stairs. Use rock salt or a biodegradable alternative such as calcium magnesium.