How Safe Is Spring Water?
FDA Regulated Spring Water
A July/August 2002 report from the Food and Drug Administration states that all bottled water--spring water included--has to meet FDA standards before hitting store shelves with the intention of selling for human consumption. These regulations guarantee a certain degree of safety. Individuals who enjoy drinking spring water can rest assured that it is free of dangerous contaminants.
Natural Minerals in Spring Water
Spring water has some benefits over other types of bottled water. Spring water naturally has unadulterated minerals within it. These minerals are important to the health and wellness of individuals who drink it. Most bottlers of spring water harvest the liquid just before it reaches the surface of the ground through a pipe. This helps prevent the water from being contaminated with any bacteria that may exist on the ground surface without destroying natural minerals.
No Fluoride in Spring Water
Fluoride is often added to tap water but fluoride does not occur naturally in spring water. The FDA notes that dentists recommend drinking water with fluoride as doing so helps improve oral health. Individuals relying on spring water as their only water source may require fluoride supplements. This is particularly true in children. Some brands of spring water are now adding fluoride to the water. Spring water with added fluoride is clearly labeled.
Drinking More Water
Individuals who drink any type of bottled water tend to drink more water in a day. Water is essential to the proper function of the human body. Getting enough water helps an individual have more energy, aids digestion, helps keep skin healthy and is good for an overall well-being.
More Waste with Spring Water
A major downside to drinking spring water is the bottle it comes in. Individuals who drink spring water should make sure they are recycling each and every empty bottle. Empty water bottles in a landfill can add up quickly and excessive refuse is not safe for the environment.