Playground Safety Rules
You can't stop a child from falling, once he's lost his grip or accidentally slipped. You can help prevent these injuries, however. Closely supervising children---even those who aren't yours---will tell you if kids are playing too roughly together. Your child may need to refrain from strenuous activity if he has been sick, or if the other children playing at the same time are bigger and stronger. Watch your child closely, and you may avoid the fractures, lacerations, concussions and sprains that occur each year in public and home playgrounds.
Child's Ability
Though boys tend to take more risks, girls have more playground accidents. Girls were involved in about 55 percent of playground injuries, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission between 1998 and 2000. For children up to age 4, most accidents occurred on climbing equipment, followed by sliding boards. For kids ages 5 to 14, most injuries took place on climbing equipment, with swings coming in second. It's no secret that some kids have different skills than others. If your child is young and not particularly agile---if she's clumsy or tends to daydream---guide her toward playground equipment that keeps her close to the ground, such as merry-go-rounds or seesaws, as long as the equipment is designed for your child's size and skills.
No matter what your kids do, they should have rules. Otherwise, imagine them running with scissors, swimming in the deep end of the pool or crossing the street without a grownup. Playgrounds are no different. Before being allowed to play, kids should know the rules. Never push anyone, whether on equipment or on the ground. Always slide feet first. Do not stand on swings. Keep off wet playground equipment, and keep all toys and bags at a safe distance. If additional rules are posted at the playground, read them with your child and make sure they are followed.