Tornado Safety Tips for Kids
Before a Tornado
Listen to the radio or watch television to keep updated on the weather. If there is a tornado watch, it means that scientists are predicting that there might be a tornado. If there is a tornado warning, it means that a tornado has actually been spotted. Make sure you know the difference.
During a Tornado--Inside
If you are indoors during a tornado, walk immediately to the lowest floor of the building, such as a basement or cellar. If the building does not have a basement or cellar, go into a room without any windows, such as a closet or bathroom. Stay away from windows, crawl under a heavy piece of furniture, and cover yourself with a blanket or rug. If you are in school, follow your teacher's instructions.
During a Tornado--Outside
If you are outside when a tornado strikes, do not try to run from it. Instead, try to go inside the closest building. If there are no buildings nearby, lie down in a ditch or another low area. Cover your head with your arms to protect it from objects that might get thrown by the tornado.
After a Tornado
After a tornado strikes, be careful. Stay away from broken glass or downed power lines.