Information on Weather Instruments

Weather instruments are used to measure and analyze weather data, such as rain, snow, barometric pressure and wind speed, in order to forecast weather events. These instruments, mostly used by meteorologists, help the public prepare for severe weather conditions.
  1. Types

    • The following are types of weather instruments:

      Barometer -- measures air pressure
      Thermometer -- measures air temperature
      Psychometer -- measures relative humidity
      Anemometer -- measures wind speed
      Wind Vane/Sock -- measures wind direction
      Weather balloon -- measures weather in higher atmospheres
      Weather satellite -- photographs and tracks large air movements
      Rain Gauge -- measures rain and snow
      Campbell Stokes Recorder -- measures sunshine

    Where to Buy

    • There are many weather instrument stores on the Internet where most weather instruments can be purchased. You can also make a few simple instruments, such as a wind vane, barometer, anemometer or rain and snow gauge, from household materials or items found at your local hardware or craft store.


    • Prices vary widely. Thermometers, for example, can range from $5 to $200. There are also professional instruments that can track many things at once, such as rain/snowfall, barometric pressure, wind speed, heat index, dew point, sunrise and sunset times, and moon phases. These instruments range in the thousands.

    Prediction and Preparedness

    • Weather instruments are a vital accessory to predicting severe weather conditions, such as tornadoes, blizzards and hurricanes. These predictions are important in order to prepare members of the public so that they can get to a safe, protected place and, if possible, stock up on food, water and supplies.


    • It is important to know about the possible weather conditions that might occur in your area. There are many specials carried on informational channels, such as the Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel and the Weather Channel. Children should be introduced to weather in order for them to know what might occur and how to prepare and protect themselves and their families in the event that severe weather occurs. There are many craft ideas for creating basic weather instruments, such as a wind vane, anemometer, rain and snow gauge, and barometer, that can be fun and provide a valuable learning experience.

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