How to Make a Wheelchair Ramp
Things You'll Need
- Wood
- Rust-resistant nails
- Hammer
How to make a wheelchair ramp
Make sure there is enough room for a ramp. In measuring a ramp, you will need to figure that, for every foot high, the ramp will require at least 12 feet in length. For instance, if the ramp must be 2 feet high, then the ramp will need to be 24 feet long.
You may be required to have a permit before building the ramp. Check with the Disabilities Act to make sure what rules and regulations they require for a ramp. For instance, rails may be required depending on the height of the slope. The railing is required to be one and a half inches from each side of the ramp and about 3 feet in height.
Create landings for the entrance and exit and any turns of the ramp. This allows the wheelchair to easily get onto the ramp and get off. If there are turns involved, then it will provide a way for the wheelchair to connect to the rest of the ramp without a struggle.
Purchase pressure-treated plywood. Place posts at the beginning and end of the ramp every 5 feet. Nail plywood vertically from post to post to create a base to the ramp and a sideboard.
Lay down landscape fabric. This will be laid over the area that the ramp is covering to prevent grass to grow up through the ramp. Then place 2 inches of gravel over the fabric.
Nail 2 x 6 crossbeams (plywood) from post to post. Measure from the outside of one post to the other to know what length will be needed for the crossbeams. Proceed to nail beams horizontally down the ramp from one side board to the other.