How to Stay Safe While Walking or Jogging
Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back. If you're taking your car, tell her where you're leaving your car. Make sure that one of you is set to call the other one around the scheduled time of your return.
Keep a charged up cell phone in your hand at all times. Even if you're with someone, it's still smart for one of you to hold onto a phone. Set your speed dial to hit police or 911 with one number. Always have a number programmed in under ICE (in case of emergency). If you are attacked or even if you get ill or pass out and someone finds you, they will have the number you would want them to have immediately. All police, fire, rescue and health workers are trained to look for that. Also, don’t put your home phone in under home. With a reverse search on your number, anyone can find out where you live.
Don’t jog or walk with any valuables. If you are going out from your car, lock them in there or leave them at home. Keep your license, credit cards and cash locked up. Take a couple of dollars if you might want to grab a cold drink somewhere but don’t carry anything of value or anything with personal information when walking or jogging. You don’t need those things on foot. It’s just asking for trouble.
Stay alert. Remember that you are out in the open in a public place. Don’t stick headphones or ear buds in your ears and walk or jog along oblivious to what’s around you. Keep your attention on your surroundings. You want to always know who is around and what’s going on around you at all times. Predators love to sneak up on people who don’t have a clue. If you look alert and focused you will appear to be less of a target.
Avoid being too alone. Keep away from deserted stretches of road or beach or pathway. It’s best to walk or jog with a partner or your dog for safety sake. There truly is safety in numbers. If you go out to exercise alone, do so in places where others will be around and stick close to them. A lone sheep is easy prey.
Take along some protection. For walking, a steel tipped umbrella is a good walking stick, but a sturdy wooden stick is good, too. You should also carry some mace or pepper spray or a personal alarm that could wake the dead. Keep it in your hand as you exercise–it will do you no good in your pocket if someone tries to grab you.
Think about what you are wearing outside. Even though it’s a free country, there are predators waiting for women out there. If you’re in a tiny halter and Daisy Duke short shorts, you’d attract more attention than someone in a jogging suit would. It may not all be the kind of attention you want. There are crazy people out there so be cautious not to go out of your way to attract their negative attention. Save those sexy duds for safer places.
Use common sense. Go with someone or at least around someone else. Avoid those places that are unsafe. Don’t dress to attract unwanted attention. Don’t carry anything you wouldn’t want someone else to get their hands on. If you take care of the safety precautions you can have just as much fun and be safe at the same time.