How to Buy a Long Rifle
Know the laws in your state regulating who can purchase a long gun. The quickest way to find this out is to talk with a reputable local gun retailer. Since his business depends upon his knowledge and compliance with the law, he can answer your questions.
Show your state-issued identification at the very least, in order to purchase a long gun. All states require that gun dealers record your identification and keep a record of the purchase. Most states require a background checks and some have a waiting period when you purchase a gun. Be prepared to list all your personal information, including your Social Security number.
Attend a gun show and prove that you are of legal age in your State to purchase a gun. Some states ban the sale of weapons between private parties and in those states; a licensed firearms dealer must become involved in the transaction.
Buy a rifle on the Internet if you can meet your state’s requirements for gun ownership. Although many people are unaware that guns are available online, many reputable firearms dealers sell long distance to the public. Not only will you have to comply with your State’s regulations, you may have to comply with the laws in the state where the dealer is located. Expect to undergo a background check.
Purchase a long gun from a private party if the transaction is allowable in your state. Look for rifles in local classified ads or listen to radio swap shows.
Obtain an expungement of a felony conviction in order to purchase a gun in some states. In 1965, a federal law passed that banned the purchase of a gun by a felon who received a conviction that carried a punishment of one or more years in prison. A pardon will also clear the way for you to purchase a long gun if you have a felony on your record.
Study the inside bore of a used rifle to check for scratches.