How to Repel Ticks in the Woods

Summer is tick season. These nasty little insects are notorious for transmitting illnesses such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever to humans. Ticks make their home in the woods, so if you plan on spending time in wooded areas, you will need to take steps to repel ticks away from your body. Always cover your body with the proper clothing and insect repellent. They are simple preventative techniques but in the long run, they can save you from serious illness.


  1. Fighting off ticks

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      Wear light colored clothing so you can see ticks easier. Be sure to wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Tuck your shirt into your pants and your pants into your socks. Wear shoes or boots that are enclosed -- no flip flops or sandals of any kind while hiking in the woods. Also, wear a hat or scarf around your head to cover your neck and scalp from falling ticks.

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      Spray yourself or your clothing with insect repellent. If you can find repellent specifically designed for ticks, that is all the better. Repellents that contain DEET are recommended by medical professionals. Some DEET repellents can be sprayed directly on the skin, but check the label. Some are for spraying clothing only, and some DEET repellents can not be used on children. Follow directions on the bottle. As you are making your way through the woods, respray yourself frequently. Don't forget to spray your shoes as well.

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      Avoid walking in densely forested areas. Stick to marked trails that aren't overgrown with brush. Don't walk against tall grasses or shrubs. Ticks can't fly, so they live in low-lying brush and jump onto hosts as they walk by. Make sure you stay in clearer areas when you are in the woods. Ticks can also fall from higher areas, so be sure to wear a hat.

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      Check your body frequently for ticks as you spend time in woods. Ask a friend to do a surface search and then use your hands to feel around your body. If you find a tick, remove it promptly.

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