How to Prevent a Shark Attack
How to Prevent a Shark Attack
Whenever possible, swim in groups. Sharks are more likely to attack a lone swimmer.
Sharks have lateral lines along their head and body that allow them to sense vibration, sound and movement. They also have a feature known as ampullae of Lorenzini, which is a collection of receptor cells on the lower jaw, snout and around the eyes. This feature allows them to detect electrical fields. Try to avoid excessive splashing and erratic movements. It is also wise to keep pets away from the water.
From a shark’s point of view, shiny jewelry can easily be mistaken for the scales of prey. Avoid wearing any shiny accessories while in the water.
Sharks are mildly farsighted and see in color. They easily detect contrast in colors, so it is wise to avoid wearing bright colored apparel while in the water.
The eyes of a shark are ten times more capable of adjusting to darkness than humans, due to a reflective pigment called tapetum lucidum (this pigment is also present in the eyes of cats). Never swim in murky water or in the dark as sharks have a sensory advantage over humans.
Although most attacks occur within several yards of the shore in water approximately four feet deep, it is wise not to stray too far into the water. In the event of an attack, you will be better able to receive assistance if you are not far from the shore.
Sharks are attracted to blood and can detect a single drop from up to a mile away. Never swim if you are bleeding and stay away from fishing areas (dead fish and chum are often used as bait).
Calmly and quickly exit the water if surrounding fish behave strangely. This may be a good indication of the presence of a shark.
A shark does not have to attack to cause damage. The skin of a shark is covered with dermal denticles, which make it very abrasive. Severe chafing and bleeding may result from contact with shark skin.
Last and most important: know your sharks! Knowledge is your best protection against a shark attack. Be aware of how, when and why sharks attack. Avoid behaviors that will attract them. Avoid steep drop-offs, river mouths and other areas where dangerous sharks are prevalent.