How to walk safely at night

Whether you live in a small town or a large city, you'll need to take extra precautions if you're walking alone at night. Being vigilant about your surroundings takes planning, and you'll need to be cautious about vehicles, strangers and steering clear of certain areas. From dressing appropriately to keeping a few extra supplies on hand, here's how to walk safely at night.

Things You'll Need

  • Reflective clothing
  • <br>Small flashlight
  • <br>Warm clothing
  • <br>Pepper spray
  • <br>Secure handbag or wallet
  • <br>Cell phone
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      Wear reflective clothing. Make sure you're wearing at least one piece of reflective gear such as a vest, hat or shirt so that drivers can see you easily. Almost all running shoes have a reflective strip on them, so wear a pair of these any time you step out for the night. Reflective clothing is important when walking near major highways or country roads, so make sure you have at least one patch of reflective bands or stickers on your clothing.

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      Carry a flashlight. Carrying a small flashlight can also indicate your presence to oncoming traffic and passersby, but is important for finding your way around darker streets and alleyways as well.

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      Avoid talking to strangers. This isn't just good advice for young kids! Reduce your risk of attack by averting your eyes when passing other people, and be cautious about anyone following you when you're walking alone.

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      Wear layers of clothing. If the weather changes while you're out on your walk, avoid getting stuck in a storm without the right clothing. Wear layers of clothing and plan ahead for hazardous weather by carrying a jacket, umbrella and special footwear if needed.

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      Carry a bottle of pepper spray. Pepper spray can be used on any attacker while you're out and about on your own, so make sure you always have some on your possession.

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      Hide a handbag or wallet while walking. Avoid oversized bags or wallets that require you to carry them in your hand. This is an easy target for thieves, so make sure you have a secure bag or wallet hidden from view.

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      Don't talk on your cell phone or use a PDA. A cell phone can be a distraction while you're walking, and you need 100% focus on the road ahead of you and your surroundings. Avoid talking on a cell phone or using your PDA while you're moving through unknown territory - unless it's an emergency.

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      Don't stop for supplies or directions in unknown areas. If you have a cell phone, use it to call for directions or other assistance you may need. Avoid stopping at gas stations or small stores in an unknown town or city, since this can increase your risk of an attack.

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