How to Identify Poisonous Berries
Expect black and blue berries to be edible more often than red berries. White berries are the least likely to be edible. Of course, there are some inedible black berries and edible red berries.
Memorize a short list of edible berries, including blackberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, mulberries and dewberries. Remember that some poisonous berries mimic edible varieties.
Learn to identify berries that are known to be poisonous, including Holly, Mistletoe, Jasmine, Yew, Lantana, Moonseed, Nightshade, Daphne, Castor Oil, Boston Ivy, English Ivy, Virginia Creeper and Privot.
Call your local cooperative extension to locate classes which teach you how to identify plants. This will help you separate a safe berry from its inedible mimic.
Buy a plant identification book to carry with you while walking in the woods. If you see a berry that looks similar to an edible berry, examine all parts of the plant and use your book to be sure that you have found a truly edible berry.