How to Apply Sunscreen
Select a sunscreen that protects your skin from UV-A and UV-B rays. It should have a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Look for a brand that's waterproof.
Shake the bottle well before applying. Sunscreen often clumps up so you need to mix up the particles.
Coat your body with sunscreen before going outside. A bathing suit only provides a little bit of protection, comparable to SPF 5. Often, people don't remember to put on sunscreen until they get outside, but chemical sunscreens take 20 to 30 minutes to seep into your skin. So, if you wait, the time you're out there could already be causing skin damage.
Apply sunscreen to your face and ears, too. Sun damage can cause your skin to age prematurely and wrinkle.
Make sure you use enough sunscreen. Studies show that most people use only a fraction of what they should. Apply a full ounce--that's the size of a shot glass--to your entire body.
Reapply sunscreen throughout the day. This is especially important when you get out of the water. Even if the label claims all-day protection, experts say it disappears in a few hours.