How to Check for Air Pollution Near a House
Things You'll Need
- Small cardboard squares
- Aluminum foil
- Petroleum jelly
Check Air Now's website for air pollution information. Search nationally, by state or by city, to see what pollutants are currently in the air. Ozone and particulate matter levels are listed for many cities throughout the United States.
Look at the Scorecard for more detailed comparisons. This website will show you a variety of pollutants broken down by state and county. It will also compare these statistics with similar counties across the United States.
Speak with your local chapter of the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Health and Environment. Either of these agencies will have an air quality report available for your review. This will give you detailed information for your area.
Test the air yourself. Cover small squares of cardboard with aluminum foil and coat each square with a small amount of petroleum jelly. Hang these in different locations near your house. Take them down after a few days and note what has stuck to the jelly.