How to Operate an Electric Ladder
Test it. Operate the ladder first without anyone on the machine. Make sure that the rungs are operating properly and no malfunctions can occur before anyone gets on it.
Set the ladder where you want it. Because an electric ladder is heavier than a regular ladder, it will be difficult to pick up the ladder manually and move it about. Make sure the surrounding area is sturdy and solid enough to support not only the ladder's weight but the weight of the operator as well.
Plug the electric ladder into an electric outlet. Sufficient current needs to be supplied to operate the machine.
Stand on one of the rungs and turn on the ladder so that you will move with the rungs. There is no climbing involved; you will elevate on the rung that you stand on.
Hold onto the sides are you begin to elevate. The rungs will be in a different shaft attached to the ladder so you will not be harmed by the moving machinery.