How to Hitchhike Safely
Prepare yourself. Dress warmly in cold weather and wear bright clothing so you can be easily seen at night. Carry raingear and have food and water. You might have to walk a long distance. If your car has broken down and you're on a well-traveled road, stay near the car so you can use it as shelter.
Stay as far off the road as possible as you hitchhike. Make sure drivers can see you from a distance of at least 100 feet.
Note the make, model and color of the vehicle before entering it. Sit in front, if possible. If you have a cell phone, call someone as you get in the car and let them know you were picked up, where you entered the car and lightly describe the car ("Oh it's a really nice blue Ford, probably a 2001, two-doors but roomy...")
Remain alert. Engage the driver in conversation to stay awake, if you feel you might fall asleep.
Avoid dark, unlit roads and busy freeways. Hitchhike in well-lit, commonly-traveled, secondary roads that have shoulders that let you stay well off the road.
Keep any bags you're carrying with you after entering the car, and have them close to you if you need to get out of the car immediately. Conceal valuables like watches or jewelry under clothing, or distribute in different pockets.