How to Survive a Sandstorm
Listen for storm warnings and stay away from areas where an unpredictable sandstorm can occur. If you are traveling in dry climates surrounded by sand such as a desert prepare for a sudden storm to develop at any time.
Wear goggles. Cover your nose and mouth with a respirator or mask that is able to filter out sand particles or use a moistened handkerchief or bandanna.
Outrun the storm. If you are driving and the storm is at a reasonable distance it may be possible to outrun it. If it seems you will be caught in the storm, stop and ride it out.
Seek shelter if you are not inside a vehicle. Find cover if at all possible. If no shelter is available, lie down and wait the storm out. Keep eyes, nose and mouth covered at all times. Cover your head with your arms or a backpack to protect against any objects being hurled by the wind.
Keep plenty of water on hand. Cover it in containers such as a canteen that can seal out sand particles. If you get lost during the storm, you need water to survive until you find your way or help arrives.
Get to higher ground, if possible. The most concentration of blowing sand is closest to the ground. Chances of surviving increase if you can stay above the storm.